
  • Photocatalysis disinfection- Neutralizes pathogens in contaminated rooms without adding contaminants such as antibiotics or disinfection byproduct


  • Thermal Insulation-Reduction of Heat transfer


  • Dehumidification process-Remove moisture from air.


  • Air and Surface 24/7 disinfection


  • Hydrolysis- Organic chemical cleavage of chemical bonds by addition of water 


  • What is Purification- the removal of contaminants from something. 


  • Passive air purification (filtration)- Passive type air purifiers, which are the standard HEPA filters, where the air is drawn into the machine and passed through a filter to remove contaminants, before clean air is released on the other side


  • Active air purification Truefir (TFT)- is capable of targeting smaller particles, unlike HVAC air filters. Up to 99.97% of allergens, dust, mold and other particles, like smoke and odors. Requires little energy to run and less maintenance than a HVAC filter.